Recipe: Refreshing Watermelon Mojito Recipe with Squashed’s Cold-Pressed Juice

As temperatures rise and the sun beats down, there’s nothing quite like a cool, refreshing drink to quench your thirst and lift your spirits. And what better way to celebrate summer’s bounty than with a tantalizing Watermelon Mojito? This vibrant concoction combines the juicy sweetness of watermelon with the zesty kick of lime and the coolness of mint, creating a symphony of flavors that will transport you to a tropical paradise. But here’s the twist – we’re making it even easier and healthier by using Squashed’s Cold-Pressed Watermelon Juice. Let’s dive into this delightful recipe that’s sure to be a hit at your next gathering or solo summer soirée.



  • Tall Squashed’s Cold-Pressed Watermelon Juice
  • 2 ounces of white rum (optional for a boozy kick)
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • 6-8 fresh mint leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of simple syrup or agave nectar (adjust to taste)
  • Ice cubes
  • Soda water
  • Slices of lime and sprigs of mint for garnish


1. Prepare Your Ingredients:

Gather all your ingredients and ensure they’re chilled for maximum refreshment. Freshness is key to capturing the vibrant flavors of this summer delight.

2. Muddle Mint Leaves:

In a sturdy glass or cocktail shaker, gently muddle the fresh mint leaves to release their aromatic oils. This step is essential for infusing your mojito with the refreshing essence of mint.

3. Mix It Up:

Add the Squashed’s Cold-Pressed Watermelon Juice, lime juice, and simple syrup (or agave nectar) to the glass or shaker. If you’re opting for a boozy twist, now’s the time to pour in the white rum.

4. Shake or Stir:

If using a cocktail shaker, fill it with ice and give the ingredients a vigorous shake to chill and combine them. If you’re using a glass, simply stir the ingredients together until well mixed.

5. Serve and Enjoy:

Fill a highball glass with ice cubes and strain the mixture from the shaker into the glass. Top it off with a splash of soda water for that effervescent finish.

6. Garnish:

No mojito is complete without a decorative flourish. Garnish your Watermelon Mojito with a slice of lime and a sprig of mint for an extra touch of elegance.

7. Sip and Savor:

Now, take a moment to admire your creation before indulging in its refreshing goodness. With each sip, let the vibrant flavors transport you to a sun-kissed paradise, where worries melt away and relaxation reigns supreme.


With Squashed’s Cold-Pressed Watermelon Juice as the star ingredient, whipping up a batch of Watermelon Mojitos has never been easier or more delightful. Whether you’re lounging by the pool, hosting a backyard barbecue, or simply seeking a moment of blissful escape, this invigorating cocktail is sure to hit the spot. So, raise your glass to summer’s bounty and toast to the simple joys of life. Cheers!

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