
We offer personalized subscription of daily deliveries, that are perfectly tailored according to your dietary needs. All our meals are freshly made with hand-picked ingredients to ensure health and safety. 


Weight loss plan

Trying to lose those extra pounds? We got you covered, enrol in our systematic weight loss plan designed perfectly around your needs and calorie goals.

Detox plan

Improve your digestion and remove harmful toxins from your body today. Our detox diet is made with precision to complete your nutrient needs and eliminate unwanted toxins from your body.

Beauty and glow plan

Our beauty and glow diet plan primarily focuses on promoting healthy skin, hair and over all radiance through nourishing foods rich in essentials minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants.

Immunity plan

Our immunity boosting diet plan mainly focuses on foods that are dense in nutrients and thus supports immune functions. It is curated according to your tastebuds also keeping in mind your health.

Senior citizen diet plan

This plan focuses mainly on foods that promote bone health and support cognitive function. We also keep in mind your dietary restrictions and help in managing weight via this.

Healthy Eating

This diet plan unlock the secret to a healthier lifestyle with our convenient healthy eating subscription plan.

Daily Chilled Vegetables


Welcome to Squashed

A health-centric café, initiated by two driven individuals who prefer to remain anonymous, emerges as a beacon of wellness in the culinary landscape. Born out of the shared vision of two MBA friends, this establishment isn’t just about serving meals—it’s about crafting an unparalleled dining experience that harmonizes taste and health. With a commitment to promoting wellness at its core, this café goes beyond mere sustenance, offering a sanctuary where patrons can nourish both body and soul. From carefully curated menus to a welcoming ambiance infused with positivity, every aspect of the café reflects its founders’ passion for holistic well-being. Here, health isn’t just a trend; it’s a way of life, celebrated

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Recommended For You

Best Quality

We very carefully select our farms for sourcing and delivering to you biologically clean ingredients.

Made to Order

Experience freshness and flavor harmonized in every dish, meticulously prepared to order for your enjoyment

Fast Delivery

As the use of additives is limited in our preparation, we deliver your meals at lightning speed.

Trusted Products

All our ingredients are hand picked to deliver you best of both the worlds, flavour and health.
